Make an Appointment: 912-421-9311 | [email protected]

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    Individual Therapy for Adults

    Family and Couples Counseling

    Are you feeling overwhelmed? Are you going through a separation or divorce? Is the stress of co-parenting with your ex-partner getting to you?  Snapping at your children for the littlest of mistakes? You don’t have to live a tired and chaotic life forever. I can help you manage the stress in your life through family counseling.

    As a parent, it’s hard to put your needs above your children’s needs. Parenting is much easier when your emotions and stress are manageable. Effective parenting happens when you are calm. I can help you build a meaningful relationship with your kids instead of constantly nagging or yelling at them in family counseling.

    This is true whether you have kids or not. Replace the word “kids” with spouse, friends, brothers, sisters, etc… and this still rings true. By taking the time to improve yourself, you greatly increase the likelihood of having happy and meaningful relationships with those around you. Couples counseling is also a great place to start to improve your relationships and family dynamics.

    Family and/or Couples Counseling Services Include:

    • Art Therapy
    • Traditional “talk therapy”
    • Family Therapy
    • Couples Counseling
    • Parenting Support