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  • Communicating Effectively as a Parent

    Don’t get stressed out, get the parenting help you need!

    As a parent, it can often feel like your kids never listen to you.  This can be frustrating and leave you stressed out. Here are some tips  to help you talk with your children and set some boundaries.

    When you show your kids that the rules are created with love and fairness, you will improve your relationship with your children. This doesn’t necessarily mean they will behave perfectly, because everyone is imperfect and will make mistakes.  With clear rules, the kids will know they broke the rule before you even have to say anything and will accept their consequences much easier. It’s always good to remind them that they helped come up with the rules.

    Be sure to use the mistakes to help your kids learn about their behavior.  After your child has calmed down, ask them “what could you have done differently?”, and let them answer in their own words. Don’t tell them what they should have done differently! Remember to talk WITH your kids, not AT them.  This increases your communication with your child and allows them to see that you care and are not shaming them for making a mistake.  It shows you are understanding, calm, and wanting to help them be a better person, not screaming and yelling about their mistakes. Too much yelling and shaming can lead to children having low self-esteem.

    Do you need help creating fair and firm boundaries with your kids? Do you want to learn how to improve your communication with your kids and ultimately your relationship? If so, click here to schedule an appointment with me. I specialize in helping children and their families. I can you help you too.

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