What words will you choose today?

Words have a huge impact on our daily lives, yet most of us take that for granted. It’s no secret that one of the first words a child learns is “no”. The words we hear give us perspective, can create a special feeling, sense of urgency or excitement. Think about a conversation you had with your child(ren) yesterday. How many times did you say “no, not now, or maybe later”? Were you able to create excitement or a special feeling? Did your child(ren) walk away feeling good about themselves?
I love this video from the The Jubilee Project, a nonprofit organization that brings people together and inspire love through compelling story telling. The video is a story of a boy who meets a girl and falls in love. There are moments in life when we feel a connection so deep words can hardly describe it. But how do we know that it’s real?
Sammy Haggar said it best. “Words have power. They work. That’s why poetry can affect people. That’s why music and lyrics and songs affect people…”.
You have the power to encourage or persecute. Which will you choose?
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